Sunday 18 September 2011

Snap on Sunday

It was very hard picking the Snap on Sunday this week, after some great events over the weekend, and therefore I think a few 'photo' postings are due over the week. So to kick it off, here we have David Sheppard's Bristol SUL, 270 KTA. This was her first run out in service at an event for a number of years after the painstaking work that has been going on underneath the surface. Regular readers of David's blog, will know the huge progress that has been made with the coach since David acquired her from WNPG.

420 is pictured firstly at South Pool on her very first run out, basking happily in the sun next to the river. She is secondly pictured leaving Kingsbridge with Mr Sheppard at the wheel, with some of the Kingsbridge's finest floral display.

And just for good measure, here's a similar shot to the first, with owner and conductor either side. 

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